Alege planul tarifar potrivit pentru tine.
Inregistreaza simplu si rapid un domeniu cu activare imediata si securizeaza-l cu un certificat SSL COMODO sau RapidSSL.
Gazduire web rapida si sigura care iti ofera performante incredibile si complet scalabile datorita echipamentelor de ultima generatie, performante de clasa mondiala cu un hardware dedicat. Nicio grija cu privire la administrarea serverului!
Contul tau web hosting este activat imediat ce plata a fost inregistrata.
Este imperativ pentru noi sa asiguram backup datelor clintilor.
Serverele sunt protejate la DDoS, Bruteforce si hotlink pentru toate abonamentele.
Toate abonamentele includ cPanel pentru o administare cat mai usoara.
Serverele folosite sunt Dell PowerEdge R640 cu 2x Intel Xenon si minim 96 GB RAM.
Toate abonamentele includ cPanel + CloudLinux, Apache / LiteSpeed
Activare imediata si transferul site-ului tau in mai putin de o ora!
Intotdeauna suport tehnic gratuit
atunci cand ai nevoie de noi
Noi ne ocupam de acest proces
fara nicio taxa suplimentara
Filtre speciale pentru
a scapa de mesaje nedorite.
Choose from over 70 free one-click installs including popular bolgging and content management systems like WordPress, joomla!, and Drupal; e-commerce solutions such as osCommerce, OpenCart and PrestaShop; and a huge variety of other popular software titles including phpBB, Open Web Analytics, and Moodle. All these and more are available as standard with our Home Pro and Business Pro packages.
SEE OUR ONE-CLICK APPSAn SSL certificate creates a secure tunnel through which information including usernames, passwords, credit card numbers and more can pass safely.
Get it outOur knowledeable support experts are on hand to help right from the get go. With free site migrations, friendly concierge assistancs and 24x7 ongoing support - you'll have all the help you need whenever you need it.